Create Cron Schedule

This endpoint is used to create a cron schedule to describe a time period that the device will allow users associated with the schedule to access doors. If the schedule was created successfully, then the Id of the cron schedule will be returned.

A cron expression for each schedule will determine the time the schedule starts and what days of the week it will be active for. The time duration will be used to determine the time that the schedule would end by adding the time duration (which is in minutes) to the start time defined in the cron expression. For more information on the format of the cron expressions, you can visit this guide on Oracle's website.

Controlled Errors

Error CodeError Message
error_schedule_is_nullNull data provided to create the schedule.
error_cron_has_no_durationNo valid time duration was provided.
error_cron_invalid_intervalInvalid end date provided for schedule. If not null, the end date must be after start date.
error_cron_invalid_expressionExpression is either null, empty, or in an invalid format.
error_schedule_not_foundBase schedule with Id provided was not found.
error_schedule_processingSchedule creation failed.

Any status codes returned that are not provided here are generic status codes that can be found here.

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