Device Access Settings

This endpoint is used to get the access settings of the specified device.

Response Payload Object

doorContactPositionintegerThe type of contact sensor the door has. For more information, see positions.
doorContactTypeintegerThe intended state of the door when not in active use. For more information, see types.
doorOpenTimeoutintegerTime (in seconds) to allow the door to remain open before alerting the system.
exitButtonContactPositionintegerThe type of contact sensor the exit button has. For more information, see positions.
exitButtonContactTypeintegerThe intended state of the exit button when not in use. For more information, see types.
internalRelayEnabledbooleanWhether or not to use the device's own internal relay for the sensors.
ioRelay1EnabledbooleanWhether or not to use one of the external IO relays for the external IO controller.
ioRelay2EnabledbooleanWhether or not to use one of the external IO relays for the external IO controller.
lockReleaseTimeintegerTime (in seconds) for the lock to remain disabled after the door is opened.
serialNumberstringThe serial number of the device.
wiegandFormatintegerThe format for writing the Wiegand output. For more information, see formats.
wiegandInputEnabledbooleanWhether or not to allow the device to read Wiegand input.
wiegandOutputEnabledbooleanWhether or not to allow the device to write Wiegand output.

Controlled Errors

Error CodeError Message
error_device_not_foundNo device was found.

Any status codes returned that are not provided here are generic status codes that can be found here.

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