
This endpoint is used to get all base schedules on the account.

Response Payload Object

The response's payload will contain an array of objects containing the following values.

descriptionstringThe description of the schedule.
hasCronSchedulesbooleanWhether or not the schedule has associated cron schedules.
idlongThe Id of the schedule.
isAutomaticbooleanWhether or not the doors associated with the schedule will be opened during the schedules active hours.
namestringThe name of the schedule.
siteIdlongThe Id of the associated site.
hasGroupbooleanHas at least one group association
hasUserbooleanHas at least one user association
hasDevicebooleanHas at least one device association
hasZonebooleanHas at least one zone association


Any fields returned in the response's payload that are not listed here are "empty" fields that should be ignored as they will always be the same value or will not be filled in.


Note that if an error was found, then the payload will be null, however if no values were found and no error occurred, then an empty list will be returned instead.

Any status codes returned that are not provided here are generic status codes that can be found here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!