Lockdown Status

This endpoint is used to get the current lockdown state of the account as well as whether or not the account has any lockdown workflows enabled.

Response Payload Object

isLockdownActiveboolWhether or not a lockdown is currently occurring.
startTimeOfLockdownNullable DateTimeThe start date and time of the current or last lockdown that occurred. This field will be null if no lockdown has ever occurred.
anyLockdownWorkflowsboolWhether or not any lockdown workflows exist on your account.
Tip: This can be used to determine if your system should ignore the other fields or not.
lockdownPlanDurationNullable IntegerThe time (in minutes) that lockdowns will run after being activated (as set in your account settings on the Alocity portal).


Any fields returned in the response's payload that are not listed here are "empty" fields that should be ignored as they will always be the same value or will not be filled in.

Any status codes returned that are not provided here are generic status codes that can be found here.

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