Create Selfie Invitation

This endpoint is used to create a selfie invitation that will be sent to a user's email and/or phone number so that they can register their face at any time during the duration of the invitation using their device. Note that any existing active invitations for the specified user will be deactivated upon creating the new invitation.


Both sendByEmail and sendByText cannot be false. A generic error will be thrown if they are.

Controlled Errors

Error CodeError Message
error_provisioning_expiration_already_passedThe expiration was set to a past date and time.
error_start_datetime_before_endValidFrom value is a date and time before the ExpiresOn value.
error_user_has_3d_faceThe user already has a 3D face in the system.
error_user_not_foundUser with the provided Id does not exist.
error_user_name_requiredThe user to whom the invitation is being sent must have a first and last name on record.
error_phonenumber_invalid_formatThe SendByText option was selected and the user has an no or an invalid phone number.
error_creating_provisioning_invitationFailed to create the selfie invitation.

Any status codes returned that are not provided here are generic status codes that can be found here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!