Request Status and Errors

Requests will follow the conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Controlled errors from our own system will only be shown if the HTTP request succeeds with a status code of 200.

Conventional HTTP Response Codes

Status CodeMeaningDescription
200SuccessThe request has succeeded.

Check the hasErrors property in the returned Application Response object to see if there are any controlled errors.
400Bad RequestThe request is invalid. Mainly due to:
• required parameters not specified
• parameters having invalid values
• unknown parameters were specified.

Read the error attribute contained in the data of the HTTP response for more detailed information and to understand the changes you need to make to perform your request.
401UnauthorizedThe request was not authenticated. Mainly due to:
• invalid or expired API token
• missing API token

See Authentication section to learn how to authenticate your requests.
403ForbiddenThe API token provided does not have permission to perform the request. Only use endpoints specified in this documentation.
404Not FoundThe requested resource does not exist. Check the endpoint being used and make sure that it exists in this documentation.
429Too many requestsYou have reached the threshold requests per minute
5xxServer ErrorsThe request is valid but something went wrong on our side. These are rare.

Generic Controlled Status Code and Error Codes

succeed_system_operationOperation succeeded with no issues. hasErrors property should be false.
failed_system_operationGeneric failure. If error persists, contact support.
error_invalid_valueGeneric error for invalid values being provided in the request.